Header image for post: Issue: Bullet Points are Misaligned in Firefox

Issue: Bullet Points are Misaligned in Firefox


In Firefox, when a clickable element such as <a> or <button> is rendered inside of a <li> element, Firefox renders the content below the bullet instead of adjacent to it.


You can fix misaligned bullet points in Firefox by wrapping the clickable element in a block-level element, like a <div>


Screenshot of misaligned bullets on austinabbott.dev

Code fix

    <h4>Recent posts</h4>
            posts.map((post) => (
                {/* div prevents misaligned bullets in Firefox */}
                <a href={`/blog/${post.slug}/`}>
                    <h5 class="title">{post.data.title}</h5>
                    <p class="date">
                    <FormattedDate date={post.data.pubDate} />

Happy Friday!

Header photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash